
Please contact your Procurement Coordinator if you have questions about procuring the items below or if you do not find what you are looking for. 

Note: If the item you need is on a mandatory state contract, you must procure from the contract if your purchase meets contract requirements. Dollar limits do not apply to state contract items, but some contracts may have minimum order amounts.


Punchout, State, Cooperative and UA-System Contracts:

Access a QRG for this process either on the employee SharePoint, or via Workday Learning.

Some contracts established at the state level are mandatory for all state agencies.  Access the State Contracts page to view and sort "mandatory" contracts.

Cooperative Contract Use
The use of cooperative contracts are limited and require pre-approval by Office of State Procurement (OSP).  If any UA department anticipates procurement of goods or services through any cooperative contract the department must pre-plan and include the Procurement office in advance of request and prior to commencement of any work/service or purchase of goods.  Contact your Procurement Coordinator for guidance.

UAF and UA System IT Term Contracts (for UA System use)

NOTE:  In accordance with Arkansas Code Annotated § 19-11-249, any State public procurement unit may use these contracts with a participating addendum signed by the contractor and approved by the chief procurement officer of the issuing procurement agency.

  • Adobe: Combined Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) for Creative Cloud subscription licensing with system-wide eligibility for System members and students of System members.  System members are required to purchase an ETLA based on full FTE campus.
  • Dell-branded Products and Services/Volume Incentive:  Governed by and subject to the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC 07012015).  Each eligible Campus within the System has been issued a specific contract code by Dell.
  • Digital Measures - Activity Insights:  Electronic system for keeping track of faculty's activities including teaching, research, and service that streamline the review process for annual faculty activity reports, promotion and tenure decisions.  Discounted pricing extended to all UA System campuses valid through December 31, 2024.  
  • HPE (Aruba):  Network equipment, wired and wireless solutions now available for the UA System at deeper discounts. Refer to the Next Step Innovation Pricing Agreement for your discounted options as a UA System member institution.  This additional discount process was negotiated with Next Step under the NASPO Data Communications Products Services Contract SP-20-0051 as established by the state. 
  • Identity Theft Protection:  Identify Theft Protection services, system-wide eligibility. Contact Steven P. Wood, Assoc VP Emp Benft & Risk Mgmt, (501-686-2941).
  • Kaltura:  Education Platform established for UA Fayetteville networking integration, used for course materials (video, etc.) within Blackboard Learn and extended to UA System eligibility. Refer to the Contract Extension  for more detail. 
  • Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES):  Cost-effective contract for Microsoft software and services, system-wide eligibility.


Additional Available Contracts:

Imperial Bag & Paper dba American Paper & Twine

  • Contract Number: SP-21-0057
  • Expiration Date: 06/30/2025

ORDERING PROCEDURE:  All orders placed against this contract shall be in the form of an agency issued purchase order on an as-required basis. Orders must be placed for full carton quantities only.

MINIMUM ORDER AMOUNT:  Each purchase order to the vendor must be a minimum order amount of $250.00, excluding sales tax, if applicable. All items from each section the vendor holds may be combined on the purchase order to satisfy the minimum order amount. Purchase orders for amounts under the minimum order amount will be subject to a $10.00, handling charge added to the vendor invoice.

PMC Solutions

Please contact PMC Solutions at 479-575-2404 with questions about departmental copiers.

ImageWorks, a woman-owned business, is the UAF preferred furniture provider, an E&I Cooperative Dealer, and Steelcase Distributer.

To navigate products and request a quote, review the following guidance specific for UAF:

Additional Options: is the official method for University employees to purchase from Lowes. This method offers access to the vast number of products and services available through one of the nation’s largest home improvement suppliers, and also gives our campus the maximum rebate available through our E&I Cooperative agreement. 

Refer to the following information for further guidance and to ensure optimal discounts:

  • Lowes Quick Reference Flyer
  • Only University PCards should be utilized
  • Option to pick up at the store or ship direct to campus
  • Delivery charges apply to all campus deliveries 

Maintenance, Repair, and Operations Supplies/Solutions (MRO)

Additional Option:

State Contract

  • Contract Numbers: SP-18-0147 & SP-18-0148
  • Expiration Date: 06/30/2024

Armstrong Relocation/United Van Lines is the UAF preferred moving company.

Benefits of the program:

  • Allows exclusive use of containers.  No co-mingling with other shipments on a large tractor trailer.
  • Allows for faster and predictable delivery times vs. traditional relocation.
  • If storage is needed, this program allows for much cheaper storage rates than traditional relocation.
  • Perfect solution for small shipments.

Tax Law Changes for Moving Expenses

Staples and Office Depot are UAF preferred providers of office supplies. The UA entered an agreement with Staples that includes highly competitive discounts on commonly purchased office supplies and value added services such as direct delivery to campus, marketing research, flexible shopping options and specialized account representation. 

Three Options:

Note:  All paper product orders greater than $20,000, not on a state contract and not considered an Amendment 54 item must be bid.  

B&H is the UAF preferred photographic and A/V provider. 

VWR is the primary scientific provider for the campus, with a customer service representative located on campus at Chemistry Building 37.

VWR supplies chemicals, supplies, laboratory instruments & lab furniture. Stop by and see us.

For Customer Service/Technical Assistance/Warranties/Repairs please call 800-932-5000.

  • State Contract
  • Agreement Number (FedEx): 4600049761
  • Expirate Date (FedEx): 11/27/2026

See Policy page for Technology Purchasing Guidelines.

A variety of software and licensing options are available to the University of Arkansas campus. A detailed listing of the types of software, licensing and availability is located on the IT Services Get Software webpage. For specific IT related services including, web conferencing, storage, email and phone services, please refer to the IT Services webpage.  Unique software needs not listed are subject to the $20,000 bid limit.  For additional questions contact the IT Help Portal.

Additional Option:

NASPO ValuePoint Contract Overview

  • Contract Numbers: CTR060024, CTR060025, CTR060028
  • Expiration Date: 03/31/2027

See Policy page for Technology Purchasing Guidelines.

University faculty and staff should contact the Tech Store for University technology needs for Apple, Dell and other computer accessories. For University approved software and other available University IT services, please visit the ITS website.

Additional Option:

NASPO ValuePoint Computer Contract 

  • Contract Number, NASPO ValuePoint: SP-20-0051
  • Expiration Date, NASPO ValuePoint: 05/31/2026

Mandatory vehicle tire contracts established at the state level:

 State Vehicle Contract

  • At-A-Glance
  • Vehicle Purchase Instructions
  • Expiration Date: 8/31/2023
  • NOTE: MV-6 forms for new vehicles should be submitted between October and March due to vendor cutoff dates and the contract negotiation timeline.